
The southern French city of Cannes is of course most famous for its star-studded international film festival. Shiny movie stars and camera flashes put Cannes in the world’s focus for just under two weeks. In May, it will break loose and 30,000 producers, scriptwriters, actors and journalists invade the city to market, sell and buy over 200 films. Cannes is a city full of glamor and business where everyone seems to love being. How is the rest of the year in Cannes? Yes, I’m looking forward to it again, especially because Cannes offers great shopping opportunities. The city has plenty of small trendy boutiques and there is also a shopping festival in January.

As for sights, Cannes can not do as much as other French cities. The Museum de la Castre is worth visiting where you can mix nice collections of musical instruments from different continents. By the way, there are not so many cultural sights. Cannes is dedicated to more sunbathing, festive and flankering. Near the city, there are nice beaches but for the most part, these are meant for hotel guests and it is expensive to rent a sun lounger or even a parasol. If you want to get away from the center and the beaches, where there are often fewer people, you can go to the island of Ile Ste – Marguerite. Here you will have a whole different peace and have good food at rustic restaurants or take an exciting walk around the island. On the island there is also an attraction in the form of Fort Royal as of 1600 – and 1700 talks served as city prison.

There is also another smaller island called Ile St -Honorat that is interesting. Christian monks live here and there are several small chapels and churches. The monks will gladly tour the island, but camping or cycling is prohibited.
You can find many nice restaurants in Cannes, but the prices are usually quite considerably high. The Indian-inspired Mahatma and the little, cozy mantle can definitely be recommended. In town there are also plenty of cafes where you can drink a cafe, tea or cafe and eat a salad or something else.
Hotel prices vary greatly in Cannes depending on the season. During the film festival they are sky high and then it is also very difficult to get accommodation. Many hotels only accept 12-day bookings during that time.

Cannes or Nice on the French Riviera: Which City is Best?

Cannes or Nice on the French Riviera: Which City is Best?

Are you wondering if Cannes or Nice is best? A common question that is being asked is ”Cannes or Nice - which is the best?”, and when it comes to comparing different cities, it’s always a bit tricky, because every city is unique in their own way, and what some might consider being the best might not be considered the best according to someone else. Mostly, when comparing cities, including when trying to decide Cannes or Nice, it’s about preferences. So that’s why we won’t share too many personal options in this post but instead focus on answering the question…
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Parking in Cannes: The complete guide to Cannes parking

Parking in Cannes: The complete guide to Cannes parking

Looking for car parking in Cannes? Looking for free parking in Cannes, or are you willing to pay? Do you want to find parking in Cannes in a garage, or do you want to park close to the Croisette? When it comes to parking in Cannes, there are plenty of options, both free parking, and expensive parking, and everything in between. The parking in Cannes is spread out throughout the city, some of the places are designated for parking only, in other words, parking garages and parking lots, whereas other parking spaces in Cannes can be found just along the…
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Cannes Gyms: a List of Gyms in Cannes, France

Cannes Gyms: a List of Gyms in Cannes, France

Exercising is something that has proven to have many benefits for our body and soul. And just because you're on vacation in Cannes, or staying in Cannes for a period of time, there's no reason that you should give up your training. The French Riviera offers some delicious food, and if you want to stay in shape, while also enjoying the delicious food that Cannes and the Riviera have to offer, exercising and working out is a good idea. There are several gyms in Cannes, and in this article, we'll be listing a long list of the most popular ones.…
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The Ultimate Guide of Things to Do and See in Cannes (With Photos)

The Ultimate Guide of Things to Do and See in Cannes (With Photos)

Cannes is a city known for its glitz and glamour, its Cannes film festival, and for being one of the most luxurious cities on the French Riviera. With its beautiful Croisette along the Mediterranean, its beautiful scenery, and maybe most importantly, its lovely sand beaches, Cannes is one of the most popular cities on the French Riviera for tourists to visit. But Cannes is so much more than walking on the Croisette, and laying on the beaches, even if that is a big part of it. In fact, as a tourist, you maybe want to have a few things to…
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All Five-star Hotels in Cannes – Luxury Hotels in Cannes, France

All Five-star Hotels in Cannes – Luxury Hotels in Cannes, France

Cannes is a city known for its glitz and glamor. It is also is a favorite city for many celebrities who often vacation in Cannes and on the French Riviera. Of course, these are known for their luxurious standards, which is why they demand the very best when it comes to hotels. As a result of Cannes's luxurious and glamorous reputation, and that Cannes is a city where many wealthy and famous spend their holidays, one can expect that there are plenty of luxurious five-star hotels in Cannes. And yes, there are. When there is demand, there is supply and…
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Boulevard de la Croisette Cannes

Boulevard de la Croisette Cannes

Mythical and unmissable place in Cannes is the promenade of the Croisette and will be a must but visit but also a place to walk full of discovery. The city of Cannes is the very image of glamor and luxury and the dress of tourists from all over the world. Photo: Guillaume Ettori You will find many items of interest such as charming buildings like the Vallombrosa Palace, Villa Victoria or the Chateau Louis XIII, as well as the pedestrian streets lined with luxury shops. The old coastal road named Chemin de la Croix was converted into a carriageway in 1863.…
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5 Spectacular Things to do Around Cannes (With Photos)

5 Spectacular Things to do Around Cannes (With Photos)

What to do around Cannes to escape the frenzy of the Festival and the Croisette? Here are 5 things to do in Cannes and in the Cannes region in France. A tour in the Provencal countryside When Cannes is in focus by most visitors, the surroundings are also worth visiting. Many travel agencies like Tour Azur, specialized in transport, offer to guide you across the country. This is the opportunity to discover the narrow streets of the medieval perched village of Gourdon, or visit the Perfumeries of Grasse, the world capital of the perfume industry, located just twenty kilometers from…
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What is the Time in Cannes, France right now?

What is the Time in Cannes, France right now?

What is the time in Cannes, France right now? Cannes is in the CET (Central European) time zone. It is one hour ahead of UTC/GMT time, meaning GMT+1 hour. The time in Cannes is switched back one hour after the summer months to Central European Time (CET) or ( GMT+1 ), and during summer, the time is shifted forward by 1 hour, which means it is then 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT+2 ). The current time in Cannes, France on the French Riviera is: Cannes is located on : Latitude: 43° 5513' North Longitude: 7° 01275' East And therefore,…
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Prореrtіеѕ for Sаlе on thе Frеnсh Rіvіеrа

Prореrtіеѕ for Sаlе on thе Frеnсh Rіvіеrа

150 years аgо Cаnnеѕ was ѕіmрlу a small fіѕhіng village, since thеn it has bесоmе оnе of the mоѕt fаmоuѕ, еxсluѕіvе places tо visit оr live in thе wоrld. Fоr the vіѕіtоr оr rеѕіdеnt, Cаnnеѕ оffеrѕ a lot tо excite еvеrуоnе. Thеrе are ѕtіll many quаіnt fіѕhіng роrtѕ to bе vіѕіtеd, but fоr thоѕе whо prefer tо rеlаx thе long sandy bеасhеѕ Cannes provide a great sanctuary. During the summer months, Cаnnеѕ is раrtісulаrlу lіvеlу, еѕресіаllу durіng thе world-renowned Cаnnеѕ Fіlm Fеѕtіvаl. Cаnnеѕ becomes аlіvе wіth celebrities and the exclusive festival attracts many еxсіtеd vіѕіtоrѕ. Cаnnеѕ bоаѕtѕ mаnу еxсluѕіvе shops,…
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Your Guide to Cannes, France

Your Guide to Cannes, France

General about Cannes Cannes on the Cote d'Azur is one of the most appealing cities on the French Riviera. The city of Cannes has become world famous with its connections to major festivals such as the Cannes film festival, the Cannes lions, the international fairy tales festival and other major events such as the MIPIM and the Cannes Yacht Show. Cannes is always spinning and there is always lots of things going on in the town. Here you will always find out what the French delights have to offer. You can take long and nice evening walks along the croisette…
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The Complete Guide to the History of Cannes

The Complete Guide to the History of Cannes

The complete guide to the history of Cannes. Cannes. The city located on the French Riviera, known for its glitz and glamour, its many celebrities that visit each year, and its luxurious film festival. But has Cannes always been the town of prestige and luxury as it is today? In this article, we’re exploring the history of Cannes, and learn about how Cannes started out, and what has lead to it becoming the city that we know today. By the 2nd century BC, the Ligurian Oxybii established a settlement here known as Aegitna (Αἴγιθνα in Ancient Greek). Historians are unsure…
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Lérins islands – Iles de Lerins Cannes French Riviera

Lérins islands – Iles de Lerins Cannes French Riviera

The Lérins Islands, located just outside of Cannes on the French Riveria, are a group of 4 separate islands, located close to each other. Lérins islands pronounced [lɛz‿il də leʁɛ̃]) is a popular place for both tourists and locals, taking you away from the high pace of the large towns on the Riviera. The two largest islands of the four are Île Sainte-Marguerite and Île Saint-Honorat, which unsurprisingly are the islands that attract the most visitors. Apart from Île Sainte-Marguerite and Île Saint-Honorat, we have the other two, smaller islands, which bears the names Îlot Saint-Ferréol and Îlot de la Tradelière. Both of which are uninhabited. All…
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Prоmеnаdе dе La Crоіѕеttе – Cannes France

Prоmеnаdе dе La Crоіѕеttе – Cannes France

Prоmеnаdе dе La Crоіѕеttе Cаnnеѕ, France is hоmе tо thе fаmоuѕ annual Cannes Film Fеѕtіvаl thаt lurеѕ the bіggеѕt and brіghtеѕt stars оf fіlmѕ tо thіѕ bеаutіful сіtу every уеаr. But аѕіdе frоm the fеѕtіvаl, it іѕ nоw thе рrіmе lосаtіоn of luxurious mаnѕіоnѕ and hоmеѕ tо mаnу fаmоuѕ реорlе. Cаnnеѕ, as a whоlе, is a magnificent city in іtѕеlf but tоurіѕtѕ whо wаnt tо ѕее аnd bе ѕееn thе drіft Cannes tо ѕаmрlе thе hіgh-lіfе іt seems tо offer. Thе Prоmеnаdе dе lа Croisette іѕ a prominent rоаd іn Cаnnеѕ, France. It ѕtrеtсhеѕ аlоng the ѕhоrе оf the Mеdіtеrrаnеаn…
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What is The Weather in Cannes? Climate and Weather in Cannes

What is The Weather in Cannes? Climate and Weather in Cannes

What is The Weather in Cannes? Climate and Weather in Cannes CANNES WEATHER Cannes, the gorgeous city situated along the French Riviera has, just like its neighboring cities along the Cote d'Azur a Mediterranean climate, which means which means warm summers and mild winters, with little rainfall, making it a pleasant place to be, all year around. Cannes offers many sun hours during the summer months, and quite a number during autumn and winter as well. In fact, the weather in Cannes brings us a generous number of 12 hours of sunshine during the summer months. The best part is that Cannes…
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Old town of Cannes: Le Suquet Cannes Old Town

Old town of Cannes: Le Suquet Cannes Old Town

You probably know Cannes as the town that is famous for its glitz and glamour, its many celebrities, the film festival, and the multiple glamorous events held there every year. But there's another part of Cannes that shows a completely different personality, and that is the old town of Cannes. Most people know Cannes by the place de festival and the Croisette. In fact, a lot of the tourist that visit Cannes never go farther than the surrounding areas of the Croisette and Rue D'antibes. But those who seek more from Cannes, and want to explore a different side of…
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