5 Emergency Essentials Every Home Should Have

“Give me six hours to cut down a tree, and I’ll spend four hours sharpening my ax.”

This is a quote that is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, and it goes to underline the importance of preparation.

Naturally, humans are tempted to brush the possibility of calamities in their life. Understandably so, however, the possibility of fire, break-ins, earthquakes, hurricane, or any other calamity could strike your home. 

And if it does, having a little preparation might mean the difference between life and death.

Make sure you’re prepared for any emergency outcome by fitting your home with these five emergency essentials.

Stock of Food and Water

There are a host of scenarios where having a stock of food could come in handy.

In the presence of a snowstorm, for instance, you would only wish that you had stocked up your home with enough food.

In most cases, when storms are announced, everyone panics, and most of the homeowners run to the supermarket and grocery store to stock up.

By stocking enough food, you can be on the safe side and avoid the last missing rush, or even missing your food supplies altogether.

Red Cross often recommends keeping at least two weeks ‘ worth of food if you’re unexpectedly stuck at home. If you’re evacuating, they recommend having at least food to last you up to three days.

Ideally, store the canned foods and bottled water as they last for long. However, you should be aware of their expiration dates.

Back-Up Power Generators

A backup power plan is quite handy in several emergency situations, with the most obvious one being a power blackout.

It doesn’t matter whether you forgot to pay your electricity bill or there is a storm that has knocked the power grid, having a generator will keep the essential operations at home running efficiently.

The powerful diesel generators, for instance, will not only power you entre household lighting system, but they can also be used to run other tasks such as warming your house, charging your phones, running your refrigerator, and more.

You can learn more about the various generators, their uses, and suitability in the diesel generator review from PowerToolsGeek.com.

Fireproof Safe

Fires are one of the common emergencies.

Assuming fire breakouts and you successfully manage to escape, what do you think will happen to your prized possessions?

Will you crucial documents such as family heirlooms, cash, passports, checkbooks, and other important papers all go up into flames?

It doesn’t need to be so.

Acquiring a fireproof safe will ensure the safety of your prized documents.

Having a fireproof safe will help you head on straight to your escape and mind your safety rather than running around to save the precious valuables.

Waterproof Tarp

We can all agree that Tarps are unglamorous.

However, they are extremely multifunctional, and a waterproof tarp should be one of the critical components of any emergency kit.

There’re various uses to a waterproof.

It can be used as a temporary seal in a broken window, it can prevent leaks from a damaged roof, and can even keep the firewood dry.

And if you’re trapped in a house with no heating system, a waterproof tarp will provide insulation.

Furthermore, if you have to evacuate your home, a tarp can be converted to a basic mini-tent.

First Aid Kit/Supplies

Emergencies are a real possibility in moments of panic.

And if they do, you need to have an emergency plan for the treatment of minor injuries, bruises, and cuts.

A first aid kit comes in handy by letting you store some of the crucial medical components.

Ideally, a first aid kit should contain:

  • Band-aids
  • Sterile gloves
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Bandages
  • Antibiotics
  • Pain medication
  • Tweezers
  • Thermometer


You must always be prepared for emergencies.

While people think that fire or hurricane can never affect them, it’s just wishful thinking.

Stock your home with the above emergency essentials, as the essentials might just end up saving your life and that of your family.

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